Systemic Advocacy
PWdWA is committed to introducing, influencing and securing positive long-term change in society. Our aim is to remove barriers and tackle practices that discriminate to make sure the rights, interests and well-being of people with disabilities are achieved, upheld and protected. This is in line with our vision of a community where all people have a full and valued life with the freedom to make their own choices.
We aim to influence;
- The creation of new laws or changes to current laws
- The priorities and plans of government and non-government agencies
- The policies and procedures that relate to services or systems
- The way in which government and non-government agencies provide services
Systemic advocacy seeks to make positive changes for a whole group of people rather than one individual. It responds to issues and barriers that keep on occurring for many individuals with disability during their day-to-day lives. It is important that the systemic advocacy undertaken by our Systemic Advocate is informed by the lived experiences of people with disability.
Hearing about individual matters and experiences help us to work out;
- Areas of concern in the community
- Serious problems with systems and legislation
- Issues to raise through our submissions
It’s often not possible for government to work with a large number of people or organisations on systemic issues. Our Systemic Advocate will consult our membership to identify and address issues and feed this back to government or work in partnership with other advocacy organisations on joint submissions.