Two PWdWA members at a PWdWA event, listening to speeches.

Make a Complaint

Everyone should be able to access and participate in their local community. This means being able to go into buildings, study, work, access the community and use services that everyone else can.

PWdWA understands that for many Western Australians with a disability, getting appropriate access to services and facilities isn’t always easy. Many people with disability are also unaware of their rights or unsure about the most appropriate method of making a complaint or suggestion to affect change.

PWdWA has developed these guidelines and template letter you can use to self advocate. You can use the information to know what your legal rights are, and also share this information.

Read the Guide to making a complaint and where you can get assistance (available in Word).

Here is a suggested letter template you can use to make a written complaint and suggestions for improvement (available in Word).

Also available is information that you can provide about legal obligations to make services and facilities accessible and inclusive (available in Word).

If you are unable to self advocate please contact our office on the number below.