PWdWA members at AGM

About PWdWA

People With disabilities WA (PWdWA) is the peak member-based disability advocacy organisation representing the rights, needs, and equity of all Western Australians with a physical, intellectual, neurological, psychosocial, or sensory disability via individual and systemic advocacy. PWdWA has been advocating for the rights of people with disabilities since 1981.

About Us

Our advocacy services are free and available to any person with a disability. All of the advocacy work that PWdWA undertakes follows the principles of the National Disability Strategy.

PWdWA helps with a wide range of issues that can impact a person with disability. The most common include help with the NDIS, government payments, employment, housing, transport, guardianship, abuse and neglect, access and inclusion. PWdWA also delivers programs and activities that help empower people with disability.

Membership to PWDWA is free and open to West Australian residents living with a disability (full membership) or those who identify with the aims of the organisation (Associate).

You can become a member here.

Please contact us if PWdWA can help you.