August Newsletter

Welcome to our August Newsletter

Message from our CEO – Brendan Cullinan

PWdWA Concerned at Lack of Strong Commitment to DRC Recommendations.

PWdWA has joined the chorus of disability organisations across the nation expressing its disappointment at the lack of strong commitment by both the Federal and WA Governments in their delayed responses to the Disability Royal Commission recommendations. The Federal Government has only committed to 13 of the 222 recommendations with clear positions on the others still to be resolved. Of the 132 recommendations applicable to the WA Government, only 5 have been accepted with the majority accepted in principle. There is some welcome news with commitment to the reform of the Disability Discrimination Act, and Federal funding for a new disability advocacy program although the origin of this funding is unclear as no new funding for advocacy was announced in the last Federal budget. The recommendations aimed at reducing segregation in education, employment and housing remain a contentious issue with the WA Government noting concerns over unintended consequences and the need for further engagement and consultation. The WA Government remains uncommitted to the adoption of the minimum access standards in the National Construction Code with PWdWA and other agencies continuing our work with the building sector and WA Government to change this position.  PWdWA will be attending an Office of Disability briefing on the WA Government response on Friday 2 August and will provide future comments as further analysis of the responses is completed.

You can read the State Government’s and Federal Government’s response.

Strengthening Disability Advocacy.

PWdWA is excited to announce that it will be joining Explorability from 1 August 2024 to deliver individual advocacy in the Perth, Peel and Wheatbelt regions. The joining of services marks a significant step towards a stronger, more sustainable disability advocacy service that is well-positioned for current and future challenges. Current Explorability Advocates will transfer to PWdWA which will ensure a smooth transition for current individuals being supported.

PWdWA in Action

Disability advocates are a crucial part of the disability ecosystem in Australia. We provide services that help people with disability speak out and protect their human rights. We often help navigate the health system, challenge decisions made by the NDIS, help people work through issues with Centrelink, and help secure more appropriate and individualised housing. Services are completely free of charge and available to everyone in the community.

PWdWA supports the Speak Up for Advocacy campaign

Find out more at the Speak Up for Advocacy website.  

Perth Disability Connection Expo.

PWdWA will once again be at the Perth Disability Expo, which will be held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on Friday and Saturday, 16 and 17, between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

If you are at the Expo, stop by the stand and say hello to Vanessa.

PWdWA in Focus

Our New Team Members

Sarah, Michele, and Joe have joined us as Individual Advocates. Joe will work in the Wheatbelt, and Zoe will be our new Client Services Officer.  Zoe will assist our Intake Officer, Matt, and Administration Officer, Renata.

Current Issues

Disability Advocacy Support Helpline

The Disability Advocacy Support Helpline (DASH) is a free, short-term, individual advocacy service for people with disabilities, their carers, or support people. It is provided over the telephone for a maximum of three sessions.

They cannot assist with matters at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), legal advice, casework services, advocacy services when a more appropriate service is available, and advocating for two people with different perspectives on the same matter.

DASH is a partnership between the Advocacy Law Alliance and the Disability Gateway.


PWdWA in Pinjarra and Waroona

PWdWA’s Individual Advocate, Lisa, works at Murray House Community Centre in Pinjarra and the Waroona Community Resource Centre. Lisa would love to see you, and her roster for the next few weeks is as follows:

  • Pinjarra: Thursday, August 15th  – 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
  • Waroona: Thursday, August 8th and 22nd – 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.